Monday, March 19, 2007

Battlestar Galactic - Crossroads Torrent Download

Again, I have been getting interest in torrents. Since I wrote the last post, I have been getting double the interest in torrents for Battlestar Galactica. "Crossroads seems to be one of the more popular torrents but again, if you want torrents, you are more likely to find entire seasons rather than single episodes.

One thing I learned recently is if you really want to find only one episode, you just use limewire. I think they have some kind of paid version that makes it legal. I'm not even sure if limeire is legal. Please let me know if it is because I would like to know.

So, just go to the previous post, it will give you instructions on finding the episodes.

If you have an alternative route to download, please press the "leave a comment" link and let us know. Don't be a quite hogger of info!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Son Also Rises - Battlestar Galactica - Torrent

When I checked my emails, I found a few people were looking for full episode downloads of The Son Also Rises Episode of Battlestar Galactica. It was a pretty good episode so I guess there would be a high demand for it.

Now, the problem is that people want this for FREE but where do you find it? We all know that bit torrents are simply - very very bad things -

So, I have to say that downloading free episodes from the internet is very illegal... (Right?)

Despite this, since I have the demand I must produce the information for my visitors. If you want this particular episode, you will have to download all the episodes since and erase the rest if you would like. Obviously nobody will sit and change one episode into a bit torrent.

Strangely, I found a torrent that had all the episodes but left the son also rises out of it for some reason. This is probably why I've been getting the demand for the specific episode. The torrent that does not have the episode is:

I did find another one but it's actually private and requires that you create a username and a password to join some private site. They say not to use a regular email address like hotmail or MSN so you would need a website to get webmail like that. Or some other third party email.

The link to that is,

I will keep everyone updated. I am still waiting for the response after joining Until then, I will be looking for more torrents from other sites. If you know where I could download this episode, please let us all know!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Battlestar Gallactica News- Roslin Goes Crazy!

Usually on the show, Roslin (Mary McDonnell) is a very calm person. She is the unmovable, serious president of the Colonies. The episode in which she just kind of loser it was called, "Taking a Break from All Your Worries." This is a welcomed change by many people including Mary who self who thought playing her a character a different way was kind of fun.

In the episode, "Taking a Break from All your Worries," a couple of things happen. First, Apollo decides he wants to go to the bar in the Gallactica (strange, I know) and ends up stumbling around complaining on the ship. also, there is some screen time given to the whole Apollo Starbuck love thing as well. I'm not really into all of that "love stuff", but I guess it's a step in the direction of female views. Then again, why would make anyone think women are watching sci-fi for the love and relationship scenes?

Miss mcDonnel said, "I found it really quite wonderful to play because it was easy to play," McDonnell says. "There was an emotional ball of fire inside her regarding this man and his - duplicity. I was grateful to the writers and to Eddie (co-star Edward James Olmos, who also directed the episode) that they allowed her to cut loose like that. To me it just made her more human. And you know what? I don't think it's over."

The story of Battlestar is changing. it is time to see what comes next. The relationship between them and the Cylons is getting more complex with each passing season. The 4th season will be the better of the rest now that every character has intermingled in some way with the other. We can probably expect some kind of confrontation between the two: either they will go to war or declare each other friends. We shall see when the next season comes, until then, we can only dream.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Battlestar Gallactica Bloopers | Gag Reel

I found this surfing the net for fun Battlestar Gallactica Stuff. I hope you enjoy it. I found some of it kind of dumb but what can you's still pretty funny! You know what I love the most? I like watching them all running aroud all the green screen crap. I think thats hillarious... I mean, how do they keep serious walking around in space suits pretending to be futuristic space travelers...It's crazy what actors can do...

( Battlestar Galactica Gag Real)

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